Tuesday, 29 March 2011

fractal friendship

Fractal Geometry right in the back yard ! Gazing into this mandala that mother earth made , I wonder .... everything grows in this same fractal way , everything is essentially the same and interconnected.

These words are easily used , but are they really , truely understood ?  What does it mean to be interconnected? Am I the same as the man down the street and the baby in the pram ? Why have we become so disconnected , we live so separately , there are people completely unaware of even there next door neighbours. Many people don't want to get to know each other , and many simply don't have enough time for each other ... I recently heard someone mention they have enough friends and don't want any more ....Why is it so hard to really connect with people?

Will we only connect if faced with a catastrophe or crisis? Why wait ?

We are all made of the same stuff from the same place , but we are so unique and individualised that it becomes so difficult to see the interconnectedness of our universe, lives and selves  ...

Geometry helps me to meditate on this interconnectedness, mandalas help see the woven nature of forms and shapes and cultures and people and places and everything , e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.....

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

fractal geometry

The thing about geometry is that it is fractal , and repeats upon itself infinitely causing a doughnut style of endless form.

Perhaps an example of this loop back kind of theory is........as a baby is born and grows up to have a baby herself, who grows up to have a baby herself, who grows up to have a baby herself, who grows up to have a baby herself.

Where does it start and where does it finish ?

This is what I am trying to wrap my silly linear brain around these days , but I think it is best not to put the mind in the mix and rather , the heart.

Perhaps this is why meditation and other forms of mindlessness are so powerful , we can connect with the sacred and the geometry in us all ...

These artworks are by Nathan Smith and are just what I see when I am in deep relaxation or meditation. The third eye sees these forms so easily.  A new born baby I am sure sees way more than our 3 dimensional form.  

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Stone Henge

This is the video I showed at the start of a presentation to the Association of Feng Shui Consultants in Melbourne 2010 . Titled, Sacred Geometry: the spirit of building; I spoke about the geometry that has been historically used in building and design for centuries.

From Stone Henge to modern new structures, Geometry is being embraced by architects and designers universally as a principle of design. I have consulted on some amazing and inspirational new and renovated buildings to incorporate the philosophy and proportion of sacred geometry in design and the results are noticably different. Sacred geometry in the design gives the structure a living breathing quality. Since the process of natural growth is based upon these proportions and mathematics, the creation of a structure also takes on qualities of a natural organism. People feel more energised in the spaces , there is more harmony and alignment.

In tribute to my ancient brothers and sisters today's Mandala is Stone Henge, Salisbury, England.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

The Golden Spiral

Overwhelmed....so much going on , very hard to stay focused , present , in a clear state of no mind.

The only time I get to meditate is rocking my baby to sleep , feeding her , settling her and staring deep into her eyes. I have been told she is already at the still point. The still point. No mind. Nothing to say , do, be , no judgment, no thoughts , just pure love , her eyes are like the entire universe and I am everywhere and nowhere all at once forever. ( I used to say this when I was little , and paint pictures about being everywhere and no where all at once forever.) At first a major contradiction right ? perhaps not ? we are being called to question everything we think we know and even that which we don't quite know yet.

This video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr4TC32XUTE&feature=player_embedded helped me to clear up some of my thoughts and it is comforting to know there are so many of us out there also checking in with what we have known for some time ...Is mother earth detoxing? As living breathing organisms, if we ingest too much of a bad thing we can become very sick , how is mother earth any different. The process of detoxing though is rather challenging and requires strong will , and courage to face the ride of discomfort that comes , the headaches, the aches and pains , the fever. Ther other side of the detox is well worth it though , so hang in there.

Mandala for today
My friend The Golden Monk, and aptly named because his hair line shows the geometry present in us all , the Golden Spiral , the Fibonacci sequence. The perfect growth pattern of all living things.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

rainbow mandalas

Colouring some mandalas with my 5 year old. So therapeutic.... and we talk about how geometry is in everything around us. Like this picture of an orange cut in halves , coloured as a rainbow of course! Have a look next time you eat and orange how perfect are the segments , how this creates evenly spaced pieces , how nature creates this beautifully every time.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

reflections on the circle

This is a photo from a ceremony I attended. I love the symbolism in this picture , not to mention the colours . Look at how the head piece of each monk completes them and seems to highlight that we are more than just our head...we don't finish there , there is so much more beyond our actual scalp and hair energetically we have a aura of colours and light unseen to our dulled senses of sight...the curve creates a triangle from the nose of each monk out to the arc of the head piece.

Why is the circle pretty much always used in ceremony ?

My daughter recently started school and the process of initiation for this was so fractious ...her name was called and she had to walk through the chairs of families up to the prinicpal , shake his hand and then go to her asssigned "buddy". They then lined up and turned to the families and waved goodbye , marching off to their classroom to "start school" ....

My goodness I was devestated and shocked and overwheled by emotion.

I refelected later that simply by the use of sacred geometry , and especially the circle , my emotional and gut reactions could possibly have been avoided and the experience might have been completely different and nurturing. Geometry touches us so deeply at a soul and cellular level ....in contrast the linear constructed nature of "military style" forces conformity and fear.

How different it could have been if the teacher stood in the centre ( their new role model and guide to light the way in learning ) the children then created a circle around him or her , the buddies then stood behind the new school children ( supporting them in their transition ) and the parents behind them ( separated slightly by the buddies but still supporting the child close by )... and ALL of us CONNECTED by the mere fact we are in a circle , a never ending circumference of space and enclosing and protecting the children and families and introducing the teacher as the new centre for the childrens' learning universe ... so to speak .... food for thought.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

starting with one of my favourites

In honoring my commitment here is my first mandala ..... created by nature herself . The geometry is so beautiful , the five pointed star , the triangle , hexagon , and so much more complexity hidden from our first impression ....that is what the new world is all about , looking beyond what we immediately see , below or above the surface , deeper into the abyss, the unknown, and not with fear but rather with L.O.V.E.

the extraordinary in the every day ordinary

Sacred Geometry is all around us. Every day we pass by millions of perfectly constructed geometric objects and living organisms , WE ARE  sacred geometry.

Times are a really changing and I dont know exactly what the outcome will be. At times I fear extinction like the dinosaur age and sometimes I get into a place of fear about this. What am I fearing ? Life as I know it I guess, everything I now relate to, my friends, family, relationships, my children, my new born baby; so precious and vulnerable...will we relate to each other in the same way? are we all safe ? will we have a place to live? a home, money, a career, food and water? Strange questions perhaps .... and how does sacred geometry have any relationship to any of this ???

I guess when I get so stressed about the future or the past , I know it is best to stay right here and right now, and it is here I remember the beautiful forms of geometry .... geometry stays the same, it is consistent, it has been around for zillions of light years ! it is, it is, it just IS.

I dont meditate very well, but I need something to quiet my mind and bring me into the now and I find Geometry does this ....particularly mandalas...I will attempt to draw and colour or create a new mandala each day to stay focused and relaxed in these changing times.

I begin this today the first day of the beginning of unity consciousness ...thanks M for reminding me and providing the timeline

~~~Mayan Calendar Evolution Cycles~~~
█ ☼ Universal (Conscious Co-Creation) ☼ start - 9.03.2011
██ Calactic-started 5.01.1999
████ Planetary-1755 years ago
██████National-5,125 years ago
████████Cultural-102,000 years ago
██████████ Tribal-2 million years ago
████████████ Familial-41 million years
██████████████ Mammalian-820 million
████████████████ Cellular-16,4 billion

All cycles end - 28 October 2011