Overwhelmed....so much going on , very hard to stay focused , present , in a clear state of no mind.
The only time I get to meditate is rocking my baby to sleep , feeding her , settling her and staring deep into her eyes. I have been told she is already at the still point. The still point. No mind. Nothing to say , do, be , no judgment, no thoughts , just pure love , her eyes are like the entire universe and I am everywhere and nowhere all at once forever. ( I used to say this when I was little , and paint pictures about being everywhere and no where all at once forever.) At first a major contradiction right ? perhaps not ? we are being called to question everything we think we know and even that which we don't quite know yet.
This video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr4TC32XUTE&feature=player_embedded helped me to clear up some of my thoughts and it is comforting to know there are so many of us out there also checking in with what we have known for some time ...Is mother earth detoxing? As living breathing organisms, if we ingest too much of a bad thing we can become very sick , how is mother earth any different. The process of detoxing though is rather challenging and requires strong will , and courage to face the ride of discomfort that comes , the headaches, the aches and pains , the fever. Ther other side of the detox is well worth it though , so hang in there.
Mandala for today
My friend The Golden Monk, and aptly named because his hair line shows the geometry present in us all , the Golden Spiral , the Fibonacci sequence. The perfect growth pattern of all living things.
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